Jeanbat Busisi
BS Industrial Engineering
Democratic Republic of Congo
4Being a changemaker is to constantly understand that the world can get better and taking small steps to creating a better tomorrow. Because I value people’s health and have an interest in medicine, I will use my research skills to compile local medicine and its production mechanisms to empower rural communities to find affordable and accessible alternatives to meet their health demands.
Jeanbat is a Congolese, 3rd year Mastercard Foundation Scholar in Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. Jeanbat has always been fascinated by the use of data to reveal inefficiencies and to make decisions to optimize resources and improve ways that systems operate. As a hardworking interdisciplinary thinker and founder of Ubuntu Starter Investment, Jeanbat envisions a world where poverty is not a barrier for talented young people to achieve they dreams. He currently serves on two university boards at Arizona State University, (Committee on campus inclusion and Committee on International Student Affairs) and works as a Director of Diversity and Inclusion in the Undergraduate Student Government. Jeanbat enjoys hiking, playing soccer, and working on entrepreneurial projects.