photo of scholar

Moses Onyeabor

BA Biochemistry





I envision a world where science is practiced sustainably; where discoveries are made to enhance the lives of everyone--educated and otherwise--without compromising the safety and the quality of life of future generations.



Moses Onyeabor was born in a little village in Enugu state, Nigeria. His immediate environment and the financial status of his family threatened his education, but he worked hard to earn a scholarship to study biochemistry at Arizona State University (ASU). Moses is currently studying the factors that affect the reactivity of the human endonuclease enzyme, APE1, in the Levitus Lab at the Biodesign Institute at ASU. Moses’ investment in this project has provided him with the chance to complete his honors thesis project for Barrett, the Honors College. He plans to publish his findings from this research in a scientific database and present the findings at an academic conference. In his free time, Moses loves to cook Nigerian delicacies and spend time with friends watching or participating in sporting activities.