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Emmanuella Adje-Sowah

BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering





I envision a world where people do not have to travel long distances and spend large sums of money to get access to adequate healthcare.



Emmanuella Akweley Adjei-Sowah, is ambitious and unrelenting. Rather than defining success by the general societal measures of success, Emmanuella believes that success is defined by the number of lives she can positively influence. As General Secretary of the Biomedical Engineering Students’ Society, Emmanuella, together with her fellow executives, organized the registration and renewal of students and staff under the National Health Insurance Scheme. She interned at the Bank of Ghana Hospital, where she helped in the installation of medical devices. She also served as Medical Intern at the Tanta University Hospital in Egypt. In her free time, she loves to read novels and play the keyboard.