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Marie-Antoinette Addo

BS Business Administration/MS Management





To be a changemaker means envisioning a change that the people need and making it happen. Taking advantage of and using knowledge, determination, willpower and all available resources to achieving a change or a movement that will not only help the state of man but reach as many people as possible. To be a changemaker means being fearless and focused on the potential betterment of humankind and making it happen, against all the odds.



Marie-Antoinette is passionate about mental health and organizational psychology and its effects on organizational learning and behavior. She is particularly interested in understanding the importance of the nurturing of the minds of workers and how that nurturing and development can aid in organizational and employee growth. She has lent her skills and talents and developed many others in various leadership roles including, being appointed as the representative of her class at the KNUST School of Business (KSB) and as a vital member of the KSB Students’ Association (KSBSA) Editorial and Publicity Committee. She is a member of the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) Student Chapter at ASU and earned certification in Student Lead Counseling from the ASU Counseling Services. Marie-Antoinette believes in the power of building relationships and envisions using her talents and skills, both academic and practical in these areas to make a positive and lasting impact. She is seeking opportunities in the Human Resources field, especially learning, training and development.