photo of scholar

Immanuella Kankam

BS/MS Mechanical Engineering





I envision a world where there are more women in STEM and where youth do not depend on governments and other entities to create jobs but develop their knowledge and skills to create sources of income and opportunities for themselves and others as well.



Immanuella is a role model of and champion for women in STEM. She is a creative and critical thinker who enjoys participating in robotics competitions and robotics education training and has had experiences working on teams with people from different countries and majors. She won bronze in a local case competition organized by the Supply Chain Management Association at ASU while working with team mates from supply chain and human resource backgrounds. She is an equipped team player with great communication skills and adaptability. Immanuella is dedicated to making a positive social impact and is on a continuous quest to partake in lifelong learning to improve upon her skills and knowledge. She values how these experiences build her knowledge and personal development and hopes to use her skills and knowledge as a mechanical engineering major and entrepreneur to make positive impacts in industrialization, help improve education and promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in Africa. In her spare time she enjoys taking photos of nature, spending time with friends and family, creating handmade jewelry and building robots using LEGO NXT kits.