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Jonas Narh

BS Business Administration/MS Management





Being a Mastercard Foundation Scholar, to me, means having the mindset and capabilities to be a changemaker.



Born and raised in Ghana, West Africa, Jonas has always been ardent about contributing to the development of Africa. As a Mastercard Foundation Scholar, Jonas believes this goal is no more a dream but a responsibility. He is currently a student at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at ASU and expects to graduate in 2021 and 2022 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management and a Master of Global Management in Global Business, respectively. Jonas is an up and coming writer and seeks to change the world with his books. His writings are focused on the dynamics of existence. He hopes to be actively involved in entrepreneurship and higher education. Jonas has always been ardent about anything that has economic, social, and environmental value. He holds a conviction that with hard work, discipline, passion, and the law of attraction, nothing is far from possible.