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Christabel Mwinmaala Kuuniffaah

BSc/MS Electrical Engineering





I envision a world where everyone irrespective of their financial challenges have access to electricity, a world where solar energy and other clean ways of generating power are much more efficient, a world where children at a much younger age are introduced to engineering and technology.



Christabel Mwinmaala Kuuniffaah is an aspiring Power Engineer with an interest in Power Engineering. Her aspirations have motivated her to participate in a work-study opportunity with EnergieRich, a company that aims at providing a solar-powered egg incubator by harnessing solar power in countries with particularly rich solar radiance. Her role as an Engineering Intern was to build a circuit for solar conversion tests and submit a well-organized solar conversion data. Through this internship experience, she gained more insights about cleaner means of generating power and its importance in solving the electric power instabilities on the African continent. She hopes to expand her knowledge on clean ways of generating power at ASU, where she hopes to study Electric Power and Energy Systems. Her love for agriculture and her goal to find alternate ways of using extracts from the farm produce encouraged her to intern with MoringaConnect, an agribusiness industry aimed at improving lives through the moringa tree. As a research intern, she investigated better ways of storing moringa seeds and efficient ways to extract moringa oil and new uses of moringa seeds cake/butter press meals. Christabel is very passionate about giving back to her community; hence, she uses any available opportunity to volunteer to give back to her society. She was a volunteer coach for The Young Legend Initiative where she assisted Senior High School students through the processes of design thinking and applying the concepts in solving social issues in the community as well as a mentor for Zawadi Africa Education Fund where she tutors senior high school graduates in their application for scholarship and fund to further their studies at universities.