Andrea Awuah
BS Business Administration/MS Management
8Enjoy the little things in life for they make up the whole. I intend to live a happy life inclusive of my surrounding. I want to make an impact in the mental health arena.
Andrea Awuah is from Ghana. She is a student of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, majoring in Human Resources Management. She is intrigued about human behavior and attitudes; reason for a career aspiration in Human Resource Management. She came to Arizona State University to pursue a master’s degree in the Thunderbird School of Global Management through the International Accelerated Degree Program (IADP) in the 3+1+1 format. She is not moved by ascribed leadership title.She has held several leadership roles, including serving as class representatives for two years, treasurer of the Ghana National Association of Business Students and also emerged as the best student for Business Management during an awards ceremony. She has been part of the United Nation students Association(UNSA) since high school; a students charter of the UN. She has taken part in many volunteering projects. For Instance, the UN day embarked on a project with the theme; “Greening the blue we act now”, which was held on 24th October 2019. Where they embarked on tree planting, feeding the homeless and the poor on the street of Kumasi. Family is very important to her. It gives her a sense of belonging and identity, consequently led to her dream to live in a peaceful world where everyone is happy. She likes reading, watching movies and football matches. vision for life is to obtain a life of meaning for herself and others especially single parents out there.