Abena Owusu-Akyiaw
7I envision a world where there are equal educational opportunities for everyone and a world where people have financial literacy to maximize the resources they have.
Abena is determined to make a positive impact in the business world and looks forward to being a Financial Analyst in the future. She finds deep satisfaction in lending a helping hand to those in need at any point in life. Her previous studies at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology have led her to the opportunity to study Finance at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. She has working experience by working as a Customer Service Officer with Juaben Rural Bank and Agricultural Development Bank in Kumasi- Ghana. She is fascinated by the financial industry and is especially focused on learning more about the current rise in crises in the financial sector. She hopes to be a part of solution-focused thinking and finding ways to eradicate or at least minimize these crises to help in the development of the economy and Africa as a whole.